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Rose City SHRM August 2020 Webinar

  • 08/27/2020
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Zoom Meeting, Please register here and you will receive an email confirmation with a link to join the Zoom meeting.


  • This event is offered at no cost via Zoom to abide by the social distancing orders during this time.

Registration is closed


Madalene A.B. Witterholt of Crowe & Dunlevy


Getting Your House in Order—OSHA in the Time of COVID-19

COVID-19 has been challenging enough for our society. As employers, we have other things to worry about besides keeping ourselves safe—we must keep our employees safe in a way that meets regulatory guidance. In this presentation, attendees will learn the basis for OSHA compliance along with drafting and implementing safety plans and how the courts are responding.


  • How the general duty clause affects organizations in the era of COVID-19
  • How and when to make a safety plan for the pandemic
  • Recent case law on OSHA and COVID-19, and what we can learn


With more than 30 years of experience, Madalene Witterholt assists clients in the full spectrum of employment law issues. Starting with employee hiring and 1-9 compliance, employer policy development and day-to-day advice she provides employee training as well as the defense of administrative charges. Madalene's regional practice has given her experience in the full gamut of employment litigation.

Madalene has a hands-on approach to total representation of her clients. Madalene immerses herself in her client's culture whether it is on the factory floor, in the oil field or in the halls of Fortune 500 companies. Her cost effective approach to client representation has the goal of keeping clients in the forefront of compliance with not only current law, but with an eye towards future trends in employment law.

Madalene believes the best way to win a lawsuit is to prevent it from ever happening! With risk management as her ultimate goal, she is as comfortable with a foreman as she is with a corporate executive. She is well received by employees at all levels whether she is providing traditional EEOC training, assisting in internal investigations or working with employees to implement policy changes.

Known for her down-to-earth style, Madalene understands that employment clients have needs 24/7 and is available to clients at any time, whether it is for the most routine situations or a major crisis.


   Tel: (903) 634-ROSE


    PO Box 6655, Tyler, TX 75711 
    SHRM Chapter #0758

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